Monday, December 22, 2008
Joy of sharing?
Lil cow had been reminding me to update my blog... but i just do not have the mood to do it... PMS period i guess..... Wa... think this PMS period had lasted for too long liaoz... Anyway, not that my PMS period is over... It's still on but suddenly just feel like blogging to release my thoughts.....
It's the time of the year again.....
Everyone are busy with x'mas shopping, finding glamourous dresses to wear for xmas party and year end party, busying priming themselves to look their best etc......
What is "Joy of Sharing"?
To me, it's to share the xmas spirit of giving with your beloved loved ones and friends.... off course not any tom, dick and harry..... well, sometimes your selfless thoughts are not being appreciated by others.... I do keep reminding myself that not everyone share the same wave length as I do.... but it still hurts when good gesture is not appreciated....
Well, don't worry! I am not gonna be unhappy over such SELF-FISH people... They are nobody to me anyway.... What's most important is that i have my dearest family and beloved friends to share my life with....You know who you are... :)
Family / Friends - Do not worry for me... I will pick myself up in no time.... You know you can count on me for that.... Just that I don't know when though... Hahahaha.... You know lah... When I start getting EMO... I can be a silent monster freak......
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Far - la - la - la - la - la - la -la - la.....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Self Help
I have said my final piece and am not going to repeat myself again. Enough is enough...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Kalavani is BACK!!!!!!
Our DEAR KALAVANI is FINALLY back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so many LOTS that this page also cannot fill em up!
You know who WE are..... We are waiting for you to catch up from where we left the last time.........:)
THANK YOU FOR BRIGHTENING UP MY NITE....Will sleep with a smile on my face tonite....:)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Just don't have the mood to do it i guess....
I still owe xiao nu some pixes to be uploaded onto her blog... Yes, i still remember lah... I saw your note in your blog liaoz....
Outing with Charlyn, Clare aka fishball and xiao nu is always not enough as we have alot to catch up and share... share gossips lah.... Charlyn going to China coming september for her school attachment...Am still waiting for her to organise a trip to my housie to see Golden (that's who she and xiao nu wanna visit...hahaha)... So Miss Charlyn, please do see to the arrangement ah... Count on you liaoz....
Life @ work is busy with new OJT newbies and off course Express Class training... It's always good to be busy as it leaves you no space and time to dwell on unhappy things/issues....
My cousy-wan en says i always look as if i am happy and optimistic...but deep in my heart, i may be very unhappy.... well, everyone have his/her own ups and downs... I am just trying my best not to affect other pple's mood because of my own personal problems... it would not be fair to whoever is around me... guess this is one of my stubborn streak i suppose....
I have happy times too... like when my children(Charmaine and Aidan) are happy, like when Eddie is cheery and talkative, like going outings with my beloved friends and cousies, like when Golden learnt new things such as learning to listen to my commands such as sit! stay! It's tough though but perserverance does pays off when you does the training consistently...
Recently, it has always been rainy days... just like my feelings.... Suddenly thought of "Smell of the Rain"....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Have I not done enough??????
Why? Is life so difficult to live?
Why? Is it so diffcult to lead a happy life?
What have I done to deserve all this?
Is it because I am not rich enough hence you think I should accept such fucked up treatment???
Well, I may be crying now... it's not because you have strike a victory... rather I have decided ,after such a good cry, I would not shed a single tear anymore regardless how lowly u think of me....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Marriage...Lifetime or not?
What is the definition of marriage?
the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife
To me, marriage is for lifetime unless some tragedies befall on us and separate us between heaven and earth or any tinge of unfaithfulness creeps in to destroy this blissful marriage.
Why do some people, be it man or woman, would want to dishonour the marriage vow which he/she promised during his/her wedding day? Superduper delicious temptation which you could not resist or a moment of folly?
In some cases, wife supported her husband unconditionally and trying her best to balance between family and work. But at the end of the day, husband feels that the wild flower outside their house is more attractive than his homely orchid flower. Even though, he may have spent more monies on his latest vamp than on his own wifey....
In other cases, wife took on a housewife role and ensure that all housework/children are taken care of and most important of all is to cook sumptuous meals for husband who works so hard in order to bring in bread and butter home. However, at the end of the day, husband still feels that wife is still not as attractive to the vamp he had had an extra marital affairs with....
Old people like to say:" married couple must have children lah cos children is the bridge between husband and wife..." Does this statement stands anymore in this modern era? I'm afraid not anymore.... sad to know but it's the truth....
Whenever i hear any stories of unfaithfulness from my friends or of my own witness, this word would always come out from my mouth first.... "JIIIIAAAANNNN!!!!" and after which the colourful vocab would flow out automatically......I shan't add on....
I really do hope that my own marriage would be for a lifetime....but....if it's not gonna to be due to unfaithfulness...then I could only say that the affinity between him and me has reach a "timeout" stage and would not be continued anymore...Period.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Michael & Michelle Wedding & Rite of Acceptance Day
I KNOW...I KNOW.... it's been ages I have updated my blog...
Here's the recent events which have taken place.....
2 "BIG" events
27 June 2008
"Ten ten ten ten"
"Ten ten ten ten"
"Ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten tennnnnn......"
27 June 2008 marks the day Michael officially says goodbye to bachelorhood and would be having a dear pretty wifey-Michelle to be with him till eternity....:)
It's been 1 year plus since I have relocated from AR campus to Haw Par campus and one of the things i misses most was Michael's chirpy greetings to me. He never fails to give me morning/afternoon/evening greetings whenever he passes by my workstation... and he will always says goodbye to me whenever we knock off at the same time....
His chirpy greetings:
1) " ANNE, ZAO!"
He is always such a smiling gentleman and never fails to put smile to those who are around me...his smile is contagious...your smile will automatically pops up whenever he fling his DARLIE smile to you.... "Aw...he is such a dear to all of us who knows him"....
I, hereby, wishes Michael and Michelle to be always happy and loving forever and ever and off course, have a bb Michael or Michelle soon....:) So clique...I KNOW!!!
29 June 2008
Rite of Acceptance Day
Today, I attended a Rite of Acceptance ceremony at The Lord of the Risen Christ Church @ Toa Payoh... From a Enquirer to a Catechumen and waiting to be baptised after graduating from RCIA class next Easter Day 2009.....
I have received my first Bible from Father during the ceremony... yeah....:)
*yawn* it's late...gotta meet sleepyzzz angel now.... till i blog again.... *yawn*
Thursday, June 5, 2008
NATurallyNat Membership Drive 2008!!!
NATurallyNat Membership Drive 2008 has started!
Start date: 1 June 2008
Closing date: 30 June 2008
You see him on TV, You hear him sing and now you wanna get to know more about him cos you think he is super duper suave and HOT(quoting from the youngsters), join Nat Ho's fan club whereby you would have a chance to meet him face to face...Cool isn't it???
Do not hesitate anymore! You may check out the application process @
With Love,
Chilli Mum :)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Cold Bug Attack!!!!! + Surprise Pressie!!!!
(psst: my dear dear privately called me Ai Ai de...whahahaha...sshhh..don't laugh so loud...wait he will be very shy de....hehehee...)
Had the worst feeling when i felt that i was having fever on Friday during training and told my training peeps that i gotta see doctor after training ends...
While waiting for dear dear at Kovan mrt's pick up point, the "hot" and "cold" zones were having a battle within my body....while they were trying to outdo each other, I was left standing at the pick up point and trying my best not to *faint*....FINALLY dear dear came to my rescue and I just plopped myself onto the car seat and stay motionless....Not dead lah... Just too sick....:(
Later in the nite then realised should have pop Panadol COLD tablet instead..... *ARRGGGGHHHHH* Going bonkers liaoz.....
Rest at home yesterday and wrapped myself up like a "dumpling" to sweat it out and this morning when i was brushing up, finally cough out some "slimey", "yellowish" and bit of "reddish" phlegm...EEEEKKKKKKSSSS.......... My throat felt slightly better after this......
Dear dear gave me a surprise pressie ..... A Diamond? nope... A sexy lingerie? nope.... A bouquet of daisy? nope..... It's a ...................tah dah dah dah........................A new toothbrush!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's an Oral-B Corss Action Pro-Healthy toothbrush which has 7 Oral Care Benefits. They are:
1) Remove hard-to-reach plague
2) Promotes healthy gums
3) Cleans along the gumlines
4) Polishes away surface stains
5) Removes odor-causing bacteria on the tongue
6) Massages gums
7) Gentle on enamel and gums
This toothbrush is damn super lorz... It combines Criss-Cross Bristles, Textured Tongue Cleaner, Soft Gum Massagers, Poer Tip Bristles and Indicator Bristles......
So xin fu..... :) hehehe.... *blush* *blush* *blush*
Friday, May 30, 2008
The SB Temp Team
Middle: ME! (THE QUEEN, hahaha...)
Went back to AR campus yesterday(29 May 2008) to visit my friends and my children(Nursery team)...
Am gald that I went back for the visit cos the SB Temp Team whom I had taught them for the cable crash course gonna leave the call center very soon....In fact, it was Thomas's last day @ AR campus....
Was surprised when they asked me to take a pix with them as I really did not have much time with them as they are based at AR campus and under Pauline's care....
Instantly, I felt like a SUPERSTAR lorz.... hahaha....
I am touched by their gesture....
Drop by,to most of my children, to say Hi and am gald they are coping well and enjoying themselves in the call center...and some of them came over to me to have a short chat....
I had always tell Xiao Nu that their such gesture and appreciation are my achievement... It is immeasureable and most fulfilling to me. This is what has kept me going and to do even better in my OJT coaching....
Just wanna say: WELL DONE, BOYS AND GIRLS! I am so proud of ALL OF YOU! For those who had left or will be leaving to pursue your studies/interest, ALL THE BEST and I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER ALL OF FORGET ME NOT.....:)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friendship is Made In the Heart.
Unbreakable by distance.
Unchangeable by time.
Once a FRIEND, Always a FRIEND.
Not everyone think the same as above... I do believe in affinity. Sometimes, if a friendship ended, this means that the affinity between yourself and this friend of yours has reached a "time out" stage... it may continue again... when? I don't know.... it may not continue afterall....
To me. FRIENDS don't have to meet up so frequently and stick like a superglue.... so long we are able to pick up where we left off the last time, this is what i call FRIENDSHIP!
Sichuan Earth Quake Charity Show
Managed to reach home on time at 7pm to catch the charity event....
Already sobbing like a baby when it only got to the 2nd segment....... Unable to continue watching it anymore....Went out of the house while sonny DaRen was singing......
Went to a coffeeshop (with no TV off course) and had a cup of Iced Teh with Eddie....
While passing time at the coffeeshop, made a call to the donation hotline to make my small contribution....
The BI8 iDea Carnival
(left: Karen right: Anne)
25 May 2008
Went to the Carnival event and met up with some of the FC members and off course our dear Ms President: KAREN!
1st time attending such event and looking forward to many more..... :)
At least if my Charmaine were to tell me she is gonna attend such event, I would be able to share my experience with her....who to look out for...especially weirdo like the weird old fellow photographer....too bad... i did not took a pix of him....should have done it....U see...being a working mum nowsaday is really no easy task sia....hehehe....
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Cancelled Friendster & Facebook account
Death of my friendster account: 25th May 2008
Birth of my Facebook account: cannot remember
Death of my Facebook account: 25th May 2008
Dear all,
Just to notify all that I have officially cancelled my Friendster & Facebook account. (FINALLY!)
In the first place, the reason why i have created a Friendster/Facebook account is because I just want to know how do they work as you know i have kids(mum really need to keep in touch with the latest fad in order to be able to communicate with children/youngsters nowsaday) and not because i wanna prove how many friends i have in this life....
I have always believed that you do not need that many friends to understand you....even if you only have 1 who understand you is good enuff... Duration of time is also not the factor to determine friendship rather the chemistry between 2 persons is the determining factor... Hence, if you feel that you have recently got to know a new friend and you "mo ming qi miao" can really connect with this new friend, go ahead to let that person know.... else, you would end up with regrets... Life is too short to have so many regrets in your life....
(Taken before the start of concert)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
9 flight of stairs...*pant* *pant*
The "SMELL OF RAIN DAY" came....and it's still lingering in my thoughts till now.... hehehe...
Saw this film together with Xiao Nu-Jessie.
Before we could watch this film, we gotta climbed 9 flights of stairs and each flight had 13 u go and count many steps in total we climb... aiyo...I somemore is an obasan... climb until out of breath ah... and when we get to the top of the hill, we alreaydy perspire like nobody's business lor...Tomorrow, I shall start my jogging and skipping exercise....
Then, we kinda got lost and dunno how to get to the Sinema tix collection office.... we walked till opposite Sophia Court ah...perspire non-stop again... at that point of time, me and jessie feel like exploding ah...Luckily, we ate a "breadtalk" bread while on the way walking to Sinema ... 2nd luckily is a young girl called Jeannie(dunno if it's spelt this way) who offered to pick us up at the general office of old school so that we would not get lost a 2nd time when i called Sinema again asking for direction of the tix collection office... A BIG round applause to her for being so helpful and kind to offer such ABCD(Above & Beyond Call of Duty) service... *clap* *clap* *clap*.....
Xiao nu said that perspiration is always involved when we wanna do somethings which has Nat in it... Ya ya... I agreed cos the 1st time we get to know him at the charity rehearsal, we also have to perspire alot then now watch his 1st debut film, also have to perspire alot.... *Phew*.....
However, all perspiration is worth it cos it's a good film to catch it.... provided you are a high calibre person who know how to appreciate "arty" film hor....else don't waste your time complaining after you watch it if you don't belong that category....
This film brought back some of my unhappy and happy memories of my childhood and good old school days....*sob* *sob* + *happy :)* *happy:)*
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Back to being just a Trainee
Back to being a trainee's days... Cool!
Proof of learning - nicer way to put's simply TEST lah... TEST TEST TEST everyday lorz...
Stressed sia cos passing marks is 85% leh... not just passing passing marks-50 lorz....
Some more i am an OJT coach rite, so cannot anyhow whack lor... hence, becoming a studious student every nite now... eh...then what am i doing now...blogging leh...hahaha... all work no play, how can? Must take a break mah so took this chance to update my blog lorz...
Xiao Nu helped me in re-decorating my blog and i simply loves it!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Audio Technica's Blogging Contest!
Saw this blogging contest via NATurally Nat Forum at
The NATurallyNat Family Rocks!
Here's my entry for the Audio Technica's Blogging Contest!
I am someone who is very particular of the ear-phone product which i used. Reason being that i gets migraine easily if i do not use suitable ear-phones when i listen music via ipod or my handphone... so far, i have only used sony ericsson and ipod ear-phones.
As i saw this blogging contest at Nat's Forum, i went to Audio-Technica's website to check out it's product and immediately fell in love with the ATH-CK1 Inner- Ear Headphone. It's so lady-like and i believe all ladies will love it at first sight.... It's a flower style earphone which is developed especially for ladies by Audio-Technica's female development team and it comes in 3 sizes, small, medium and large. The earphones come with 6 colourful flower design storage case; Clover, Hibiscus, Orchid, Pansy, Plumeria & Sunflower. It does have a beautiful container which can be used to put your accessories.
Check out the website!
Post Broadway Beng Withdrawal Syndrome!!!
15 May 2008 - Broadway Beng! 3
Went with Xiao Nu - Jessie to watch this "Cow-Peh-Cow-Bu" show!
It's REALLY GOOD lor! Boh Sian Ni A! Sebastian si TONG KONG A!
If you have missed it this round, gotta wait for next year liaoz maybe!
Went to "The Daily Scoop" with the "GANG"! This eye-c-cream cafe is damn good lor... trust me! It's one and only outlet i heard... It's located at Sunset Way... a nice place for chit-chatting gossiping lah... hehehe...
18 May 2008
Was at NLB @ Bugis for a charity event. It's a collaboration between Starhub, NLB and Nickelodeon.... It's a Birthday Bash for the children aged between 5yrs old to 10yrs old. Basically, we helped out to motivate the under-privileged children in the event...sing song together and finally cut the birthday cake.... Though, it's a short 2 hrs event, it's VERY FULFILLING and MEANINGFUL! How i wish i could rope in Charmaine and Aidan and show them how lucky they are and also at the same time, they could do their bits for charity too! My name even appeared in the press release in starhub website:
quoting me the following:
Ms Anne Loy, StarHub’s Customer Service Team Leader who volunteered for the event and assisted a group of children with making their ‘pirate flags and hats’, said, “As a parent of two young children, I understand how much children love parties. I am glad that I have been able to help out in some small way, and share in the joy of the parents and children present here today.”
hehehe...was very honoured sia... :) Looking forward to the next charity event... Li Li mentioned something about clearing rubbish at a beach.....:)
After the event, Jessie recommended Xin Yuan Ji @ Tan Quee Lan Street to eat "yu rou mee fen".. it's good one lor.... Their lime juice also very powerful one lor... :) Try it! if you need to get full address, send me a comment or email me if you have my email address...
It's such an eventful week! Really enjoyed it!
19 May 2008
Went Par Tor today with dear dear and brought him to Xin Yuan Ji to try the Yu Rou Me Fen and he likes it! Jessie - U are rite! He likes it! Hahaha...
20 May 2008
It's Charmaine's BIRTHDAY! Would be celebrating her BIG DAY at home off course....
Upcoming events would be going to see "Smell of Rain" on 23 May 2008 and "Harlem Concert" on 24 May 2008... YIPPEE! can't wait for these days to come..... :) Will update you all again...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Join NATurallyNat Family!
Received a VERY BIG WELCOME from the FAMILY! Whoo Hoo...
1st time joining a FC and most amazing is that it operates like a FAMILY! Cool!
If anyone who happen to read this and is interested, you may proceed to:
to sign up and join our BIG AND WARM FAMILY! Go on, don't be shy! Go ahead to do whatever you would like just like how i always tell my kids to pursue whatever interest they would want to try....(off course as long as it's not illegal stuff..u know...)..hahaha....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A song for BOTH OF US!
While listening to this song, tears trickled down my cheeks naturally...dunno why but it kind of touches my inner heart...Suddenly memories kept flowing back and it reminds me of all the ups and down both of us had went through for the past 13years of marriage.... Have sent DaRen a THANK YOU message for such a beautiful song he had really touches my heart!
Here, I would like to THANK my hubby dearest-Eddie for the past 13years of happiness which he had given me (off course got sad one lah but not gonna mentioned it cos happiness superceded sadness!)... Dear Dear, if you happen to read this, THANK YOU for being with me and stood by me and loving me with all your heart even when i can be stubborn(like an oxen) or difficult at times... THANK YOU for trying to make me smile or crack into laughter with some of your clowny act at times when i look sad or unhappy....
Will upload Daren's wonderful songs in my blog once i get the hang how to do it... hahahaha... please pardon this chilli mum for being so computer nerd lah... I am trying my best to catch up with the latest trend which is blogging liaoz....
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sleepless nights....Beautiful Memories!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
THK Charity Show!
4th May 2008 was the THK Charity Show which 11 of starhubbers + 3 Mediacorp artistes(Ben/Daren/Nat) were involved in presenting an item called "Qi Xin He li Chuang Qi Ji" aka Mini Olympic Game... We FINALLY did it and the performance is really excellent! All hard work put in by all of us did not go down the drain though we were kind of demoralised during our last few rehearsals as the "final product" did not turn out too well....Guess the mini olympic game's comrades know what i mean.... Well, team! We should be proud of ourselves for presenting such an excellent performance! Yeah!
Tak Kor, Chin and Chan were watching closely at us nervously and were all so HAPPY + RELIEVED when they saw that the performance is so much better than what they saw during the last few rehearsals...Phew!
Now, there is a sense of emptiness and sadness here cos no more training rehearsals with the Mini Olympic Game Gang...*sob* *sob* *sob* Dearly misses the late nite training....
Can't write anymore cos too sad to continue.....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
What a day!
On 02/05/08, Chin expressed his heartfelt thanks to us for helping out...Am pretty touched by his gesture...Though no tears flowed out as it was done on a quite light hearted way but i believe most of us if not all were touched by his appreciation speech...though he did emphasized that he is not good in giving thank you speech... Chin - if u happen to read this, it does not take a well scripted speech to give a thank you speech... what we want to hear is hearfelt words from the bottom of your heart and i believe u mean what u had said to us that evening... THANK YOU, BIG CHILLI! And you did bother to remember our names too! This is already good enuff...really!
Tak Kor gave us his hotpot restuarant namecard and he even said that he will not forget us though he only get to know us for a few weeks... He is really good in his job...hmm..correction, i should say it's his passion towards media industry... though we communicate like a duck and chicken (he say cantonese and i replied in mandarin), we are still able to communicate...:)
Today is another tiring day but fun cos beside able to see the mini olympic game gang, we saw harlem...whoo.... he is really good....and he waved at US! Oh my god! We waved to his singing and were enjoying ourselves so much! :) We also saw Qin Xiang Lin - oh man...I can still remember that I always watches the taiwanese show with him and Qin han as the male lead. What a nite man! considering going to harlem's concert man...
My basic theory test is coming and i have not yet done my revision...sigh...wonder if i can pass...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My Own Online Journal!!! Finally!
Was having a long chat with xiao nu-jessie to catch up the latest updates in our lives...and had told her that i should start having my own online journal so as to release my thoughts and at least i have a channel to look back what went on in my life when i slowwwwwly age gracefully(hehehe... cannot tahan me rite...)
How should i start? sigh... there is so much to tell....
Suddenly thought of my dear grandma aka po po... it's been long time that i "talked" to her... Am i so busy till i have no time to "talk" to her anymore?...kinda angry with myself...
Recently was roped in by cousin Yawa to participate in a charity event which is gonna screened on this coming sunday,04/05/08, 7pm. Had been attending rehearsals after work for the past few weeks...tired, tired, nothing but tired....
Am gald that i have participated in this event(beside for good cause off course!), as we got the opportunity to meet fabulous guys, namely, BY(my xinfu on set), DT(Sonny Da Ren), NH(DiDi), Chin and Tak Kor... We really had lots of fun during our rehearsals...think at times Chin feels like crushing us i guess...hahahaha...cos we always take loads of pixes every time we are there... This is one of the beautiful memories in my life :)....Will update pixes once Ah Ron consolidated all of our camera pixes..:)
Gotten the opportunity to get to know Xinfu, Sonny Da Ren and NH Di Di during our short short break in the midst of our rehearsals.....
Xinfu - a jovial and ice breaking fellow...
Sonny Da ren - like a mischevious little boy and hope that he will still keep his tong zhen in him
NH Di Di - a boy-next-door guy who is really a thinker(i guess..). He needs loads of choco to raise his happiness homones...
Beautiful moments are always quick to end...We are nearing the showtime date...Wonder if we would still be in touch with those fabulous guys after the show...
Today, we bought a golden retriever puppy(3mths old). Charmaine and Aidan were overjoyed.
They named her "Golden"... Welcome to our family, Golden...:)